Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Meanwhile, At The Pro-Hillary Sites

Some selected comments from noquarterusa.net, the principle "PUMA" blog out there:

  • "Shameless Michelle Obama got by on affirmative action." In other words, successful black women are innately dumb and need state help to mask their literacy. I don't remember Hillary initimating that during her campaign.
  • "Obama is learning the art of deception from the best. Hitler’s methods to come to power were very similar. (I am not compering him to Hitler, only the methods.)" Because Obama is only Hilterian, not actually Hitler himself.
  • "BO is a classic sociopath with a narcissistic ego structure." I know they are talkng about Obama, but *sniff* I feel like they are talking about...ME!
  • "Obama is considered by his zealots to be the Son of God."
  • "He’s not a Christian he’s a nation of islam groupie."


P said...

Number 2 reminded me of this post. You know things are serious when they start bring out the H-bomb. No pun intended(?)

But going with it for a minute... Hitler learned his techniques from the American government's policy of exterminating Native tribes. So could it be that these detractors are actually saying that Obama is really, truly an American?

Joseph K said...

Yeah, of the secret muslim, white-hating Christian variety. Like Cosby.

Ted said...

If Hillary doesn't get the top of the ticket, I think Sarah Palin is the way to go. I think she'll be the first female President (after serving one term as VP under McCain).

I came across this site: puma4palin.blogspot.com