Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lording of the Rings

I've added a ring to my left hand. I now wear two rings, two more than I've ever worn. When I first got engaged, I was wild over my ring, but it still felt strange. I would play with it a lot, taking it on and off. I would take it off to wash the dishes or take a shower, and a lot of times, I would forget to put it back on. By the time I got used to it, it was time to put on another.

Don't get me wrong, I love my rings, and what they represent. I love that they advertise the fact that I'm committed to another person, but sometimes they feel so... much. Ostentatious, even. Do people I know think of me differently now? Like I'm showing off? What snap judgments do people I'm just meeting make? Sometimes I want to tell them, "I am not my rings!"

I'm thinking of toning it down to just one, but I haven't decided. I do love looking at my diamond.

She blushes.

1 comment:

Jenn "Can" do said...

Have I ever told you the story about going to a hill meeting where we were fighting with folks about kicking poor families off of welfare. It started with the Congressional staff women all comparing their diamongs. They were their rings.

Sad, but true